benchmark ratings
you can rely on

0 +
Companies analysed
0 /5
Average quality
0 +
Contacts analysed

International differences

The international comparison in service is extremely fascinating. Services are converging to some extent due to globalisation and internationalisation, but there are still subtle cultural differences that make the service unique.

⌀ 2/5 aq*

⌀ 62 h rt*

⌀ 2,3/5 aq*

⌀ 64 h rt*

⌀ 2,3/5 aq*

⌀ 38 h rt*

⌀ 2,8/5 aq*

⌀ 66 h rt*

⌀ 3/5 aq*

⌀ 32 h rt*

Data doesn't lie

we measure the service of companies with the metrics speed of response times and quality of content of responses

the easy way to boost sales

we measure the service of companies with the metrics speed of response times and quality of content of responses

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